What is a soft copy in computer ?

What is a soft copy in computer ?

  • The information or output displayed on the computer screen i.e. on Monitor or VDU( Visual Display Unit) of a computer is called soft copy.
  • It is an electronic version of a document or we can say a digital or non printed document which is available only in electronic devices like computer or mobile.
  • It is stored, read, edited in electronic devices such as computer or mobile .
  • The soft copy is temporary as it can be edited, deleted.
  • Soft copy can be a text, image, audio or a video file which is stored in the storage device.
  • Soft copy is said to be a virtual copy as it resides only in computer, mobile or in any storage device.
  • Soft copy does not have a physical weight as it resides only in computer. It occupies memory space.
  • Soft copy is very convenient in the case of portability as we can carry it wherever we want.

Examples of soft copy

1. Ebooks

2. Enewspapers

3. Enotes

4. PDF files

5. Scanned documents

6. Any digital file etc.

Following are the images of soft copy

What is a soft copy in computer
What is a soft copy in computer

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