We often heard about the term processing while working on a computer so in this article we will learn what is processing in computer | what are the types of processing in computer so that we have a better understanding about it.
So let’s start reading.
Table of Contents
What is processing in computer ?
Processing means the action taken upon data. It is the process to convert raw data into meaningful information as instructed by a user.
Let’s understand it with an example, suppose we have entered two numbers into a computer and we have instructed the computer to add these. In this case ‘addition’ is the action that has to be performed on the given two numbers. So this action i.e. addition of two numbers, is processing in this case.
What are the types of processing ?
There are mainly three types of processing . They are
- Arithmetic processing
- Non arithmetic processing
- Logical processing
Arthmetic processing
Arithmetic processing is the action that is performed on numbers.
for example if we perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division etc. on numbers then this type of action performed will be called as arithmetic processing.
Non arithmetic processing
Non arithmetic processing is the action performed on textual data. So when an action is performed on text as instructed by a user then it is called non arithmetic processing.
Logical processing
When we give instruction to a computer to compare between numbers or between texts it is called as logical processing.
friends, I hope after reading the above article, now you have a clear understanding about processing in a computer and its types.
If you have any query or question please let me know in the comment section or you can email me at
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