- A folder is a storage area where we can store data in the form of files .
- Files in a folder can be in the format of text or audio or video etc.
- We can store files inside a folder in an organized way.
- We can create other folders (subfolder) inside a folder to arrange the files in a more organized way.
- we can create any number files and subfolders inside a folder.
- We can share a folder with anyone in network.
- A folder looks like a yellow briefcase.
Following is the image of a folder

- We can customize a folder according to our requirement like changing the icon of a folder, changing the color of the folder icon, hiding the folder, locking a folder, denying access to a folder , adding a password to a folder etc.
How to change the icon of a folder
To change the icon of a folder
Right click on the folder .A shortcut or context menu will appear
Then click on the bottom most option ‘properties’

- New folder properties window will appear with General, Sharing, Security, Previous versions, Customize tabs
- Click on Customize tab

- Then click on change icon button under Folder icons area

- ‘Change icon for new folder‘ window will appear.
- click on desired icon
- and click on OK
- The icon of the folder will change.

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