Types of computer
Depending on the type of data the computer processes, they are divided into three types
- Analog Computer
- Digital Computer
- Hybrid Computer
Depending on the size, power and processing speed Digital computer is again classified into four categories such as
- Micro computer
2. Mini computer
3. Main frame computer
4. Super computer
Micro computer
Micro computer is the smallest of all the types of computer. It is also known as personal computer. Inside a Micro computer Arithmetic Logic Unit and Control Unit are combined on a single chip called a Micro Processor. Micro computer contains two types of memory RAM and ROM.
Peripherals such as Keyboard and Visual Display Unit(VDU) are parts of a Micro Computer. A Micro Computer is also known as Personal Computer.
Micro computers are used as home computers by family or as personal computers by business professional or small business houses where volumes of data processing and speed requirements are less.
Desktop computer, laptop, Notebook computer, Tablet, palmtop etc. are examples of Micro computer.
Mini computer
Mini computers are more powerful than Micro computers. It support several users. It has larger RAM and backing storage. It can process data more quickly than Micro computer.
Mini computers are used by medium sized organization for application like Payrolls and financial accounts etc. It can also be used for system like reservation and banking etc.
The first popular Mini computer is PDP -8.
Main Frame computer
Main Frame computers are very large and powerful computers. They can process large amount of data very quickly. These types of computers are used by big companies. They can be linked into a network with smaller departmental Micro computers or with each other.
Main Frame computers are used for payroll computations, Airline seat reservation, engineering applications etc.
Super computer
Super computers are the most powerful of all the types of computer. Super computers have multiple processors and All the processors perform simultaneously for different tasks.
Super computers are used for complex scientific applications such as Rocket launching, weather forecasting, testing of nuclear weapons etc.
The diagram given below shows the types of Computer

I hope you must have cleared your concept on the types of computer. If you have any question or doubt regarding this, you can ask me in the comment section or you can email me at [email protected]
If you want to study computer fundamentals in detail visit the link computer fundamentals notes.
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