In this article we will learn what is system software and what are the various types of system software in a computer.
System software is a software which helps in smooth functioning of a computer. It adds functionality to a computer which improves its performance.
Types of system software
System software is of three types such as
a. Operating system
b. Utility software
c. Language processor
let us read the types of system software one by one
Operating system
The Operating System controls and manages the hardware connected to our computer. It provides an interface that helps us to interact with a computer.
The various examples of system software are as follows
MS DOS, MS Windows (95, 98, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11 ), Linux, Unix, IOS, Android etc.
Utility software
The second type of system software is Utility software. Utility software improves the functionality of a computer. It helps in smooth functioning of a computer.
The various examples of utility software are
i. Antivirus software
ii. File backup software
iii. Encryption/ Decryption software
Antivirus software helps to protect a computer from virus, worms and hackers.
File back up software is useful for keeping backup of data available in a computer in the case of system crash or failure.
Encryption software is used to encrypt data in a coded form so that any unauthorized user can not access the data. Decryption software is used to convert the same coded form into readable form .
Language Processor
Language processor is another system software which translates assembly language / high level language into machine language i.e. binary language which consists of only 0s and 1s.
The examples of language processor are
a. Assembler – translates assembly language program into machine language
b. Compiler- translates high level language program into machine language in one go.
c. Interpreter- translates high level language program into machine language line by line.

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