SEBA Class 9 Computer Science Chapter 2 Operating System and its importance

SEBA Board class 9 computer science chapter 2 Operating System and its importance

Dear students here you will get SEBA Board class 9 computer science chapter 2 Operating system and its importance questions answers from exercise in a very simple language


1. Choose the correct option

a. Which of the following is an operating system?

i. Windows ii. Linux iii. Unix iv. All of these

Ans: All of these.

b. Which Operating System is developed by CDAC, Chennai ?

i.Windows ii. BOSS iii. Unix iv. None of these


c. Which OS has fixed deadlines ?

i.Distributed ii. Real-time iii. Interactive iv. Batch Processing ?

Ans: Real -time

d. Name a multiuser Operating system ?

i.MS-DOS ii. BOSS iii. Unix iv. None of these

Ans: None of these

e. Name a version of macOS.

i. Mojave ii. High Sierra iii. Sierra iv. All of these

Ans: All of these.

f. In which year was Windows OS released ?

i. 1980 ii. 1985 iii. 1983 iv. 1987

Ans: 1985

SEBA Class 9 Computer Science Chapter 2 Operating System and its importance

class 9 computer science chapter 2 operating system and its importance questions answers

2. Fill in the blanks-

a. _________________ is the founder of Microsoft Corporation.

Ans: Bill Gates.

b. An operating system is a program which acts as an ____________ between a user and the hardware.

Ans: interface.

c. The operating system decides which job should use the _______________ and for how long.

Ans: Processor

d. A computer System works with _____________________

Ans: information.

e. Windows is an example of ________________ operating system.

Ans: GUI

f. Unix was originally developed in _______________ by a group of AT & T employee.

Ans: 1969

3. State True or False-

a. Microsoft Windows has 15 versions since its first release in 1985.

Ans: False.

b. Linux is different from proprietary software like Windows, which can only be modified by the company that owns it.

Ans: True

c. iOS is Apple’s mobile operating system

Ans: True

d. The latest version of Android is Unnati

Ans: False

e. Windows comes pre-loaded on most new PCs.

Ans: True

f. macOS is Apple’s mobile operating system

Ans: False

4. Short answer questions

  1. What is an Operating System ?

Ans: An Operating System is a program which provides an interface that helps us to interact with the hardware of a computer. It controls and manages the hardware connected to our computer.

2. Mention the names of any two commonly used operating system.

Ans: Windows operating system and Android operating system.

3. When was the first version of Apple iOS released ?

Ans: 29 July 2007

4. What do you mean by multitasking ?

Ans: Multitasking refers to simultaneous execution of multiple tasks in a computer.

5. What is real time operating system ?

Ans: In real time operating system jobs are assigned with fixed time limits and each job have to be completed with the the specified time.

6. What is time sharing and distributive operating system ?

Ans: A time sharing operating system allows many users to share the computer resources simultaneously.

A distributive operating system shares its over loaded work among multiple servers located in different locations. It shares data and resources among multiple servers to get maximum efficiency.

SEBA Class 9 Computer Science Chapter 2 Operating System and its importance

Q.5. Long Answer Questions

  1. Explain any two functions of an Operating System ?

Ans: The two functions of an Operating System are as follows-

i. Processor Management : Operating System decides which job/task should use the processor and for how long. It allocates processor accordingly to the job/task/process and deallocates it when no longer required.

ii. File Management : Operating System manages the files, folders in a computer system. It keeps track of where information is stored in a computer.

2. Explain any two operating system used in mobile phones.

Ans: Following are the names of two operating system used in mobile phones.

i. Android: Android is a mobile operating system primarily designed for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

ii. iOS: iOS stands for iPhone Operating System. It is another mobile operating system which was developed by Apple. It was designed to run on Apple devices like iPhone, iPad etc.

3. Write a short note on Windows operating system.

Ans: Windows operating system was developed by Microsoft company that is why it has been named as MS Windows where MS stands for Microsoft. It is a GUI( Graphical User Interface) based operating system developed in the year 1985. It is commonly known as Windows.

Since the development of First Windows Operating system, the different versions of it were being released by Microsoft like

Windows 2.0, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2

Windows 95, 98

Windows NT, Windows 2000

Windows XP, Vista

Windows 7, 8, 8.1,10,11 etc.

4. write a note on the operating systems created by Apple .

Ans: The two operating systems created by Apple are MacOS and iOS

i. MacOS: MacOS was earlier called as OS X. It is a line of operating systems created by Apple. It comes preloaded in all Macintosh computers. Apple computers are very expensive due to which MacOS users are recorded to be less than 10% of global operating systems. The look of MacOS is impressive that is why many people prefer it over Windows operating system.

ii. iOS: iOS stands for iPhone Operating System. It is a mobile operating system developed by Apple. It works only on Apple devices such as iPhone, iPad, iPod etc. The first version of Apple iOS was released on 29 July 2007.

SEBA Class 9 Computer Science Chapter 2 Operating System and its importance

5. What is BOSS ?

Ans: BOSS stands for Bharat Operating System Solutions. It is an operating system developed by Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Chennai. It was designed to gain and enhance benefit from the usage of Free and Open Source software throughout India.

6. Write a short note on Bill Gates .

Ans: Bill Gates is an American business magnate, software developer and philanthropist. He is a co-founder of Microsoft corporation along with his late childhood friend Paul Allen. During his career at Microsoft, Gates held the positions of chairman, chief executive officer (CEO), president and chief software architect. He was a major entrepreneur of the microcomputer revolution of the 1970s and 1980s.

7. What is Interactive Operating System ? Where is it used ?

Ans: Interactive Operating System is a computer system where there is a significant amount of interaction between humans and the computer. It allows the user to interact directly with the machine. Mac and Windows Operating system are examples of Interactive Operating System.

All personal computers run Interactive Operating System.

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