SEBA class 10 computer science chapter 1 Introduction to computer networks exercise and additional questions answers

SEBA class 10 computer science chapter 1 introduction to computer networks exercise and additional questions answers are given below in a simple language –

SEBA class 10 computer science chapter 1 Introduction to computer networks exercise and additional questions answers


I. Fill in the blanks

1.The hostname command is used to display ________________________

Ans: The name of a computer.

2. The length of a IPv4 and a IPv6 is _________and ____________ bytes respectively.

Ans: 4 bytes and 16 bytes .

3. An access point is used to connect ___________________

Ans: wireless network .

4. The ping command is used to _________________________

Ans: verify the connectivity between two computers.

5. HTTPS transfer _____________ data.

Ans: encrypted.

II. Multiple choice questions

1.Which device is required to connect multiple heterogeneous networks ?

A) hub

B) Switch

C) Router

D) Access Point

Ans: Router.

2. Which is the largest type of computer network ?



Ans: WAN

3. Which protocol transfers encrypted data instead of plain data ?






4) How many bytes are reserved for OUI in a MAC address ?

A) 3

B) 8

C) 24

D) 12

Ans: 3

5) IP address can be automatically assigned if the network is connected with

A) Access Point

B) Mail Server

C) Web Server

D) DHCP Server

Ans: DHCP Server


1.Mention the name of components required to set up a MAN network. Draw a block diagram of a MAN network labelling name of each component.

Ans: As MAN is formed by interconnecting multiple LANs so to set up MAN network multiple computers, fibre optical cable and Router are needed.

2. Why hostname should not be used to identify a computer in a computer network ?

Ans: As hostname can be changed by a user so there is a possibility that two or multiple computers may have the same hostname in a network . That is why hostname should not be used to identify a computer in a computer network.

3. Give five examples of valid and five examples of invalid IPV4 addresses.

Ans: Five examples of valid IPV4 addresses are-






Five examples of invalid IPV4 addresses are-





v. 119.230

4. Can we compare HTTP and FTP protocols ? Mention their functionality.

Ans: Yes, we can compare HTTP and FTP protocols.

i. HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.i. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol.
ii. HTTP is used to fetch web resources such as web pages etc.ii. FTP is used to transfer file from one computer to another over a network.

5. How many 16 port switches are required to connect 31 computers in a network ?

Ans: A larger switch or 2 number of 16 port switches are required to connect 31 computers in a network.

SEBA class 10 computer science chapter 1 Introduction to computer networks exercise and additional questions answers

Additional Questions answers

Q.1. What is a computer network ?

Ans: A computer network is an interconnection between computers and other electronic devices so that they can communicate with each other.

Q.2. What are the types of network technology  ?

Ans: There are two types of network technology. They are

i.wired technology and

wireless technology.

Q.3. Give some examples of wired and wiresless technology ?

Ans: Some examples of wired technology are –

i. Twisted Pair Cable

ii. Optical Fiber Cable

iii. Coaxial cable

Some examples of wireless technology are –

i. Wi-Fi

ii. WiMAX

iii. Bluetooth

Q.4. How many types of network are there ? Name them.

Ans : There are four types of network. They are

i. PAN

ii. LAN

iii. MAN

iv. WAN

Q.5. Which network is the smallest of all the computer networks ?

Ans: Personal Area Network (PAN)

Q.6. What is the network range of PAN ?


How much network range does PAN offer ?


How much area does PAN cover ?

Ans: PAN offers a network range of about 10 meters from a central device to the other communicating devices.

Q.7. Which is the most commonly used network ?

Ans: LAN ( Local Area Network )

Q.8. How much area does LAN cover ?

Ans: LAN covers an area such as a building, office, campus etc.

Q.9. Write an example of WAN .

Ans: WAN ( Wide Area Network )

Q.10. How is MAN formed ?

Ans: MAN is formed by interconnecting multiple LANs that are within a limited geographical area.

Q.11. How is WAN formed ?

Ans: WAN is formed by connecting devices from multiple locations across the globe.

Q.12. What is hostname ?

Ans: The hostname is the name of  a computer or any connected device in a computer network.

Q. 13. which option in Windows 10 is used to change the hostname of a computer ?

Ans: Rename pc

Q.14. What is an IP address ?

Ans: An IP address is a numerical label that is assigned to network devices to identify them uniquely.

Q.15. How many types of IP address are there ?

Ans: There are two types of IP address

I. Internal Protocol Version 4 (IPV4) and

II. Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPV6

Q. 16. What are the lengths of IPV4 and IPV6 address ?

Ans: Ans: The length of IPV4 address is 32 bit and the length of IPV6 address is 128 bit. 

Q. 17. What is a MAC address ?

Ans: Ans: A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to a Network Interface Controller (NIC). MAC addresses are assigned by hardware manufacturer and cannot be changed by a user.  MAC addresses are also called burned in address or Ethernet hardware addresses.

Q.18. What are called network devices ? Name some network devices.

Ans: Network devices are physical devices that are required to establish a computer network so that multiple computers can communicate or transfer data among them.

Some network devices are-

i.Network Interface Card.

ii. Hub and Switch

iii. Router

iv. Access Point.

Q.19. Write the differences between a Hub and a Switch.

Ans: The differences between a Hub and a Switch are as follows-

Hub Switch
i. A hub does not maintain routing information about connected devices in the network. i. A switch maintains some routing information about other network devices in the network.
ii. A hub does not perform any filtering or addressing with the incoming data. It just sends all incoming data to all other connected devices.ii. A switch can read the destination address of incoming data and transmits the incoming data to the destination computer.
iii. A hub is slower than a switchiii. A switch is faster than hub.
iv. A hub is cheaper as compared to a switchiv. A switch is expensive as compared to a hub.
v. A hub is not an intelligent device v. A switch is an intelligent device.

Q.20. What is a Router ?


Write a short note on Router .

Ans: A Router is a network device used to interconnect two or more heterogeneous computer networks. A router can be considered as a small computer that is usually dedicated to special purpose with multiple input and output network interfaces. A Router store information about the networks in which they are connected.  When data is received, a Router reads the destination address of incoming data and transmits it to their destinations.

Q. 21. What is called an Access point ?

Ans: An Access Point is a network device that is used to create a wireless network. Computer or other devices that have a wireless network card can connect to such a wireless network. Some Access point has several ports  to expand the network to support more wireless devices.

Q.22. What is a network protocol ? Name some network protocols.

Ans: A network protocol is a set of well established rules that determine how two computers communicate or transfer data between them. Network protocol is like a common language for computers in a network.  A network protocol make it possible for network devices to communicate with  each other.

The names some network protocols are-






vi. FTP

SEBA class 10 computer science chapter 1 Introduction to computer networks exercise and additional questions answers

Q.23. write short note on the followin

i. TCP

ii. IP

iii. POP

iv. SMTP



vii. FTP

Ans: i. TCP- TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol. This protocol is used for establishing communication between computers over a computer network. When data is sent over  a network, the TCP in the source computer divides those data into a series of packets and sends those packets to the destination and the TCP at the destination reassemble them.

ii. IP- IP stands for Internet Protocol. It is mainly used for addressing packets.  The Internet Protocol is mostly used TCP. The primary responsibility of Internet Protocol is to deliver packets from a source computer to a destination computer based on the IP address present in a packet.

iii. POP- POP stands for Post Office Protocol. It is used for receiving incoming emails. It is an widely used email application protocol used to retrieve email from an mail server to the client application.

iv. SMTP- SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. SMTP is used to send outgoing email.  It  is a push protocol which is used to send  emails from one user to another.

v. HTTP- HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol. It is used for accessing web resources such as HTML documents or web pages. Using HTTP protocol a client computer requests for a web resource to a web server that is why it called a client server protocol.

vi.HTTPS- HTTPS stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure. It is a combination of HTTP with added security features. This protocol is used for accessing web resources with added security. In HTTPS data communication process, data are sent after encryption that is why is secure than HTTP.

vii. FTP- FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It is used for transmitting files from one computer to another over a network.

Q. 24. Which networking command is used to verify the connectivity between two computers ?

Ans: ping

Q. 25. Which command is used to display a computer’s networking information ?

Ans: ipconfig

Q. 26. Which command is used to display the name of a computer ?

Ans: hostname

Q.27. Which command is used to maps IP addresses to MAC addresses ?


Which command is used to display IP addresses and their corresponding MAC addresses ?

Ans: arp -a

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