Quiz on history of computers -set 4

1. Which is the first general purpose microprocessor ?

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is Intel 4004

2. Which of the following is First Generation Computer ?

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is UNIVAC

3. In which of the following Computer stored program concept was used ?

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is EDVAC

4. In which Generation of Computer CD ROM was first used ?

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is 5th

5. Which was used as an input device in First Generation Computer ?

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is Punched Card

6. which programming language was used during First generation of Computers ?

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is Binary or machine language

7. Which secondary storage device was used during First Generation of Computers ?

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is Magnetic tapes and Magnetic Drums

8. Who invented ENIAC ?

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is J. Presper Eckert and John W. Mauschly

9. The first Super Computer developed in India is ____________

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is PARAM

10. Who invented Analytic Engine ?

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is Charles Babbage

Quiz on history of computers (set 4)

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