Quiz on history of computers -set 3

1. Which of the following was the main component of the First Generation of Computers ?

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is Vacuum Tube

2. The period of third Generation of Computers was

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is 1952-64

3. Who of the following made the very first attempt towards automatic computing ?

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is Blaise Pascal

4. ENIAC stands for

The full form of ENIAC
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Correct! Wrong!

The answer is Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator

5. The name first Computer made in India is

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is Siddharth

6. Who developed the first mechanical Calculator ?

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is Blaise Pascal

7. EDVAC stands for

The full form of EDVAC
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Correct! Wrong!

The answer is Electronic Discrete Variable Computer

8. The name of first Super Computer in the World is

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is CRAY K-1-S

9. Which of the following is the first programming language

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is FORTRAN

10. Which of the following is the first general purpose microprocessor ?

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is Intel 8080

Quiz on history of computers (set 3)

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  1. Quiz on history of computer (set 1)
  2. Quiz on history of computer (set 2)
  3. Quiz on history of computer (set 4)
  4. Quiz on history of computer (set 5)

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