MS Word shortcut keys

MS Word shortcut keys

Here is the list of important MS Word shortcut keys

Sl. No. Operation Keyboard Shortcuts
1To create a new file / documentpress ctrl key and n
2To save a file / documentPress ctrl key and s
3To open an already created file / documentPress ctrl key and o
4To select all the text in a documentPress ctrl key and a
5To select text from right to left in a sentence or a paragraphPress shift key and keep pressing right arrow key
6To select text from left to right in a sentence or a paragraph Press shift key and keep pressing left arrow key
7To close the file /document Press ctrl key and w
8To bold text in a documentPress ctrl key and b
9To italicize text in a document Press ctrl key and i
10To underline text in a documentpress ctrl key and u
11To find a particular text in a documentpress ctrl key and f
12To replace a text in a documentpress ctrl key and h
13To go to a particular page in a documentpress ctrl key and g
14To apply subscript in a textpress ctrl key and =
15To apply superscript in a textpress ctrl and shift and + key together.
16To increase the text size in a documentpress ctrl and shift and > key together.
17To decrease the text size in a document press ctrl and shift and < key together.
18To left align your content in a page in a documentpress ctrl key and l
19To right align your content in a page in a document press ctrl key and r
20To centre align your content in a page in a documentpress ctrl key and e
21To copy text/image in a document press ctrl key and c
22To move text/image from one place to another press ctrl key and x
23To paste text/image anywhere press ctrl key and v
24To check spelling and grammar in a document press f7
25To check synonym of a text in a document or to bring thesaurus in a documentpress shift and f7
26To undo the last action performedPress Ctrl and Z
27To repeat/redo the last action performedPress Ctrl and Y
28To bring the cursor to the end of a line.Press end key
29To bring the cursor to the begining of a linePress home key
30To shift the contents to a new page Press Ctrl and Enter key
31To go down to the next linePress Shift and Enter key together.
32To bring a new paragraphPress enter key
33To bring font set dialog boxpress Ctrl and d
34To create a hyperlink in a documentPress Ctrl and k
35To add space between two paragraphspress ctrl and q
36To justify the text in a documentPress Ctrl and j
37To make the selected text capitalPress Ctrl and shift and a key
38To move to the previous word to the leftPress Ctrl and left arrow key
39To move to the next word to the rightPress Ctrl and right arrow key
40To insert current datePress Alt and shift and d key
41To insert current timePress Alt and Shift and t key
42To view/hide non printing charactersPress Ctrl and Shift and * key
43To make the selected text double underlinedPress Ctrl and Shift and d
44To delete a word to the right of cursorPress Ctrl and Delete key
45To move to the beginning of a paragraphPress Ctrl and up arrow key
46To move to the end of a paragraphPress Ctrl and Down arrow key
47To create a bulleted list Press Ctrl and Shift and L

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