21. EDVAC was invented by
- Lady Ada Augusta
- John Von Neuman
- Charles Babbage
- Blaise Pascal
John Von Neuman
22. Who is the inventor of Analytical Engine
- Charles Babbage
- Lady Ada Augusta
- Howard Aiken
- Allen Turing
Charles Babbage
23. First Computer made in India is
- Siddartha
- CRAY 1
- None of the above
24. The programming language used in 5th Generation of Computers is
- C language
25. ENIAC was developed by
- J Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly
- John Von Neuman
- J.S. Kilbi
- Howard Aiken
J Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly
26. ENIAC was developed in the year
- 1949
- 1946
- 1943
- 1957
27. During the period of first Generation of Computers which of the following was used as an input device ?
- Mouse
- Punched Card
- Keyboard
- None of the above
Punched Card
28. Which of the following was used as secondary memory during the period of first Generation of Computers ?
- Compact Disk
- Magnetic Tapes and Magnetic Drums
- Floppy Disk
- None of the above
Magnetic Tapes and Magnetic Drums
29. Which of the following languages was used for programming during the period of First Generation of Computers ?
- Binary or Machine language
- Assembly language
- None of these
Binary or machine language
30. During the period of which generation of Computers ENIAC was developed ?
- First
- Second
- Third
- fourth
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Quiz on Computer history and generations
Notes on Computer fundamentals
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