Cyber Security

Cyber Security


Today’s world is a world of Internet where most of the things we get to know from Internet like what is happening around us and we often share our sensitive data on Internet .So In this situation it becomes very important for us to know the security related to Internet. So in this section we will learn what is cyber security, why cyber security is essential in today’s world, what are the various types of cyber attacks and how can we protect ourselves from cyber attacks.

What is Cyber Security

Cyber security is referred to as Internet security. It a set of measures taken to protect our computer system, applications, computer networks from malicious attacks like unauthorised access to our system, stealing our sensitive data, deletion of our files from our system etc.

It is the process of protecting computers, Servers, Mobile devices Network, Data, information from malicious attacks. Basically it consists of measures taken to secure any activitiy performed on Internet.

Need of Cyber Security

Cyber Security is needed bacause of the following reasons

  • To secure our data
  • To secure our personal information
  • To secure from money loss
  • To secure from Cyber attacks and frauds

Types of Cyber Security

There are various types of Cyber Security such as

  • Application Security
  • Network Security
  • Information Security
  • Mobile Security
  • Internet of Things Security
  • Cloud Security

What is Cyber Attack

Cyber Attack is an attempt by hackers to get access of the computer system, mobile devices , networks etc with the intention to damage, destroy, or steal sensitive information from the system.

Types of Cyber attacks

There are various types of cyber attacks such as


Phishing is an dishonest practice of sending emails pretending to be from reputed company with the prime motive to obtain sensitive data such as passwords, credit card numbers etc. They are fraud company who send the mails in such a way that the receiver is not able to recognize them.


It is a type of malicious software or malware who locks your entire system or encrypts your data available in your system, mobile devices to restrict you to access them . It then demands you to pay ransom in exchange for granting permission to access the system or data.

It is a type of malicious software or malware who locks your entire system or encrypts your data available in your system, mobile devices to restrict you to access them . It then demands you to pay ransom in exchange for granting permission to access the system or data. It is a type of Cyber blackmailing which is rapidly increasing world wide

Ransomware attempts to attack a system by sending phishing emails. It can also try to attack by sending a fake warning message such as your system is infected by virus, to scan click the link. etc.

It is a type of Cyber blackmailing which is rapidly increasing day by day world wide.

Types of Ransmoware

There are two types of Ransomware

  1. Locker Ransomware: It locks the entire system to prevent us from accessing our own sytem.
  2. Crypto Ransomware : It encrypts our sensitive information such as important files, documents etc. threatening to destroy those if the ransom is not paid.

Protection from Ransomware

In order to protect our system and data from Ransomware we should adopt the following measures,

i. Keep back up of important data at regular intervals in any external hard drive.

ii. Regularly update the Antivirus installed in the system.

iii. Avoid downloading any attachment sent with emails from unknown sources.

iv. Don’t open any suspicious website about which the Antivirus warns you in advance.

Read more

  1. Notes on history of computer
  2. Notes on generations of computer
  3. Notes on computer fundamentals
  4. Notes on MS windows
  5. MCQ on history of computer
  6. MCQ on computer fundamentals
  7. Quiz on history of computer

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