Class 11 IT/ITeS Unit 6 Workplace Safety and Hazards Questions Answers

Class 11 IT/ITeS Unit 6 Workplace and Hazards Questions Answers

Dear students here I am providing Class 11 IT/ITeS Unit 6 Workplace Safety and Hazards questions answers

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A. State whether the following statements are True or False –

  1. The employer and employees are responsible for workplace safety.

Ans: True

2. Any injury at work should be reported to the supervisor immediately.

Ans: True

3. No matter how big or small the injury, the injured person should receive medical attention.

Ans: True

4. While working with machines and equipment, employees must follow the safety guidelines set by the company.

Ans: True

5. At any office, the first aid kit should always be available for use in an emergency.

Ans: True

6. It is optional to participate in random fire drills conducted by the offices from time to time.

Ans: True

7. The wet floor sign is not needed and causes problems for people.

Ans: False

8. It is okay to place heavy and light items on the same shelf.

Ans: False

9. There is no need to train employees on how to use the fire extinguisher. They can operate extinguishers following the instructions written on the extinguisher case, when needed.

Ans: False

10. The cleaning supplies, especially chemical products, can be left in the bathrooms or in any of the cupboards in the office.

Ans: False

11. An accident is a serious or crisis situation that needs immediate attention and action.

Ans: True

12. Emergency procedures have been devised to keep everyone safe.

Ans: True

13. A hazard is any situation that has the potential to cause injury, illness or death.

Ans: True

14. If no notification is made of any injury sustained, compensation can be obtained.

Ans: False

15. To reduce injury a risk control process accompanied by hazard-management procedures needs to be established.

Ans: True

16. Safety signs can prevent accidents.

Ans: True

17. The duty of care at the workplace is the responsibility of the employer only.

Ans: False

18. When providing a safe working environment for the staff, employers must eliminate all risks to health and safety.

Ans: True

B. Multiple Choice questions –

  1. Which of the following are appropriate actions for handling accidents and emergencies ? Select the two correct actions.

(a) You should give medical treatment or first – aid to the injured even if you are not properly trained in such procedures because such treatments should be given promptly.

(b) Take decisions beyond the organization’s policies and guidelines if the situation requires.

(c) Get help promptly and in the most suitable way.

(d) Follow instructions given by senior staff and the emergency services.

Ans: (b) Take decisions beyond the organization’s policies and guidelines if the situation requires. and

(d) Follow instructions given by senior staff and the emergency services.

2. What is the first action to take when approaching the scene of an accident ?

(a) Check for signs of life.

(b) Wait for the emergency services

(c) Attend to the most serious injury

(d) Make sure the area is safe to enter.

Ans: (c) Attend to the most serious injury

3. What does a risk assessment tell you ?

(a) How to report accidents.

(b) The working hours of the organization.

(c) Where the first aid box is and the first -aiders.

(d) How to do the job safely.

Ans: (d) How to do the job safely.

4. ______________________ have a duty to work safely under the Health and safety at Work Act, etc.

(a) Employers only.

(b) Employees only.

(c) The general public

(d) All people at work.

Ans: (d) All people at work.

5. What is a hazard ?

(a) Anything with the potential to cause harm.

(b) Where an accident is likely to cause harm.

(c) The likelihood of something going wrong.

(d) An accident waiting to happen.

Ans: (a) Anything with the potential to cause harm.

6. accidents are best prevented by ___________________

(a) The health and Safety Executive.

(b) employers inspecting workplaces.

(c) People being aware of hazards and working in a safe manner.

(d) The Managing Director.

Ans: (c) People being aware of hazards and working in a safe manner.

C. Match the columns –

Type of EmergencyExample
A. Medical a. Earthquake
B. Substance b. An expectant mother in labour
C. Structural c. Chemical spills
D. Security d. Power failure
E. Natural disaster e. Armed robbery

Ans: A. Medical – b. An expectant mother in labour

B. Substance – c. Chemical spills

C. Structural – d. Power failure

D. Security – e. Armed robbery

E. Natural disaster – a. Earthquake

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