Class 10 IT Chapter 2 Working with Images questions answers

Class 10 IT chapter 2 Working with Images questions answers

Dear students here I am providing Class 10 IT 402 Chapter 2 Working with Images exercise as well as additional questions answers

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A. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

  1. The text or image which appears faintly in the background of a page is called _____________________

(a) water mark

(b) Trade mark

(c) Copyright

(d) Embossing

Ans: (a) water mark

2. JPEG or JPEG in image format stands for __________________

(a) Joint Photographic Experts Group

(b) Joint Picture Experts Group

(c) Joint Photographic Experts Graph

(d) Joint Photographic Experts General

Ans: (a) Joint Photographic Experts Group

3. In Drawing Object Properties toolbar, Grouping options provided are _____________________

(a) Exit Group

(b) Ungroup

(c) Enter Group

(d) All of these

Ans: (d) All of these

4. Which of the following is not the correct file extension for an image file ?

(a) GIF

(b) JPEG

(c) ODT

(d) PNG

Ans: (c) ODT

5. Image toolbar does not provide a tool for __________________

(a) filtering

(b) cropping

(c) copying

(d) flipping

Ans: (c) copying

Class 10 IT chapter 2 Working with Images questions anwers

B. Fill in the blanks

  1. ____________________ tool cuts off non-desirable part of the image.

Ans: Crop

2. To change both brightness and contrast of the image ________________ tool can be used.

Ans: Invert, Smooth and Sharpen

3. To simulate the effect of time on picture _______________ tool is used.

Ans: ageing

4. _______________ place image at the bottom of all objects.

Ans: Send to Back

5. An image can be deleted by _______________ it and pressing DELETE key.

Ans: selecting

6. In drawing tools, basic shapes list provide _______________ shapes.

Ans: 24

7. Anchor act as _______________ point for a drawing.

Ans: reference

8. There are _______________ options for aligning an image horizontally.

Ans: three

9. The ______________ handles of images are used for rotating it.

Ans: corner

10. Changing properties of an object ___________ creation, retain them throughout the session.

Ans: before its

class 10 IT 402 chapter 2 working with images questions answers

C. Short answer type questions

  1. What is a digital image ? How can you create one ?

Ans: A digital image is a picture which is a representation of image in finite set of digital values 0 or 1 known as pixels. These are stored in various types of graphics files with the file extension such as GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG,BMP etc.

We can create a digital image using a digital camera or a scanner.

2. Write steps to insert an image from the gallery using Drag and Drop method.

Ans: The steps to insert an image from the gallery using Drag and Drop method are as follows-

i. Open the document in LibreOffice Writer where the image is to be inserted.

ii. Open the file browser window and select the image file to be inserted.

iii. Drag the image into the document.

iv. Drop it to the place in the document where you want it to appear.

3. How is resizing of image different from cropping it ?

Ans: Resizing is the process of reducing or increasing the size of an image whereas cropping is the process to cut off or removing undesirable part of the image.

Class 10 IT chapter 2 Working with Images questions answers

4. What are the tools available in drawing toolbar ? Describe any five tools.

Ans: The various tools available in drawing toolbar are-

i. Insert line

ii. Lines & Arrows

iii. Curve

iv. Square

v. Circle

vi. Oval

vii. Symbol (list)

viii. Arrow (list)

ix. Star (list)

x. Callouts

Part 2 : 1. Insert line : Insert line tool is used to draw a straight line in LibreOffice Write document.

2. Lines & arrows : This tool is used to draw straight lines, lines start with arrow and lines end with arrow.

3. Symbol Shapes : This tool is used to draw smiley face, Sun, Moon, Cloud, lightning Bolt, flower etc.

4. Basic Shapes : This tool is used to draw Square, square rounded, rectangle, rectangle rounded, Ellipse,

Circle, Circle Pie, Arc etc.

5. Callout Shapes : This tool is used to draw Rectangular callout, Rounded Rectangular callout,

Round Callout, Line Callouts etc.

5. How is linking of an image different from embedding ? Give a situation in which you would prefer to link an

image ?

Ans: Linking of an image is different from embedding in the following ways –

i. Linking of an image refers to saving the link of an image in a document whereas embedding an image

means saving a copy of an image in a document.

ii. When we link an image in a document it does not increase the size of the document whereas when we

embed an image in a document it increases the size of the document.

We would prefer to link an image in a document when multiple copies of the same image need to be

inserted in a document to avoid increasing the size of the document.

6. Write steps to change properties for drawing objects.

Ans: The steps to change properties for drawing objects are –

i. From the Drawing toolbar, select the object you want to draw.

ii. From Drawing Object Properties toolbar, click on the icon of property to be modified.

iii. Change the value of parameter.

iv. Repeat step 2 and 3 to change all desired properties.

v. Draw the desired object.

7. What are the benefits and drawbacks of grouping drawing objects ?

Ans: The benefits of grouping drawing objects are as follows-

i. Grouping enables us to make all the objects a single entity which makes it easier to move, resize, rotate the


ii. Grouping helps us to save time as any formatting or modification can be done to all the objects at a time.

The drawbacks of grouping drawing objects are as follows-

i. After we group drawing objects if we need to modify or format any drawing object it becomes a time

consuming process as we have to ungroup the objects and then modify or format the objects.

ii. When objects are grouped, we can not apply different design or formatting to each of the object.

8. Describe any two tools from Drawing Object Properties toolbar ?

Ans: Two tools from Drawing Object Properties toolbar are as follows-

i. Fill color: Fill color tool is used to fill any drawing object with different colors.

ii. Insert Caption : Insert Caption is used to write something about the object such as name of the object, the person drew the object etc.

Class 10 IT chapter 2 Working with Images questions answers

9. Write steps to insert an image in a basic drawing shape .

Ans: The steps to insert an image in a basic drawing shape are as follows-

i. select the drawing object.

ii. Click on Insert tab and then on Image option. The Insert Image dialog box will appear.

iii. Locate the picture and click on Insert button. The selected picture will get inserted in the drawing object.

10. Write factors controlling positioning of an image in a document.

Ans: Four factors which control the positioning of an image in a document are as follows-

i. Arrangement

ii. Alignment

iii. Anchoring

iv. Text- Wrapping.

class 10 IT 402 chapter 2 working with images questions answers

Additional Questions Answers

  1. Write the full forms of the following

i. GIF

ii. JPG

iii. JPEG

iv. BMP

v. PNG

Ans: i. GIF- Graphics Interchange Format

ii. JPG – Joint Photographic Group

iii. JPEG- Joint Photographic Expert Group

iv. BMP- bitmap

v. PNG- Portable Network Graphics

2. What are the different ways to insert an image in a document in LibreOffice Writer ?

Ans: The different ways to insert an image in a document in LibreOffice Writer are –

i. Using Insert Image dialog

ii. Using Drag and Drop option

iii. Using Cut, Copy and Paste option

iv. By linking.

3. Write the keyboard shortcut to link an image in a document in LibreOffice Writer.

Ans: The keyboard shortcut to link an image is to drag and drop the image while holding the Ctrl + Shift keys.

4. Write the steps to keep the Image toolbar always on screen.

Ans: To keep the Image toolbar always on the screen, click on View > Toolbars > Image option from the menu bar.

5. How many tools are available on Image toolbar in LibreOffice Writer ?

Ans: There are 10 tools are available in Image toolbar in LibreOffice Writer.

6. What are the various tool available on Image toolbar in LibreOffice Writer ?

Ans: The various tools available on Image toolbar in LibreOffice Writer are as follows-

i. Image Filter.

ii. Image Mode

iii. Crop

iv. Flip Horizontally

v. Flip Vertically

vi. Rotate 90 degree left

vi. Rotate 90 degree right

vii. Rotate

viii. Transparency

ix. Color

7. How many types of filters are available under Image Filter tool in Image toolbar in LibreOffice Writer ?

Ans: There are 11 types of filters are available under Image Filter tool in Image toolbar in LibreOffice Writer.

8. How many modes can an image be changed to under Image Mode tool in Image toolbar in LibreOffice Writer ?

Ans: An image can be changed to 3 modes under Image Mode tool in Image toolbar in LibreOffice Writer.

9. What modes can an image be changed under Image Mode tool in Image toolbar in LibreOffice Writer ?

Ans: An image can be changed to black and white, grayscale or a watermark.

10. By what degree of angle Flip Horizontally and Flip Vertically tool flips an image in LibreOffice Writer?

Ans: Flip Horizontally tool flips an image horizontally by 180 degree and Flip Vertically tool flips an image vertically by 180 degree.

11. Which option under Image filter tool in Image toolbar is used to soften the contrast of an image ?

Ans: Smooth option.

12. Which option under Image Filter tool is used to increase the contrast of an image ?

Ans: Sharpen option.

13. what is the use of Aging option under Image Filter tool ?

Ans: Aging option is used to simulate the effect of time on picture.

14. What is the use of Mosaic option under Image Filter tool ?

Ans: Mosaic option joins group of pixels into a single area of one colour.

15. What is the function of Posterise option under Image Filter tool ?

Ans: Posterise option makes a picture appear like painting by reducing colors in the image.

16. How many options are available under Group option in Drawing Object Properties toolbar ?

Ans: There are four options under Group option . These are Group, Ungroup, Enter Group and Exit Group.

17. By how many ways can the settings for positioning of an image be accessed ? what are these ?

Ans: The settings for positioning of an image can be accessed by three ways. These are

i. by using Format menu,

ii. by using Context menu and

iii. by using Drawing Object Properties toolbar.

18. How many arrangement options are available under Arrangement tool in Drawing Object Properties toolbar ?

Ans: There are six options under Arrangement tool. These are Bring to Front, Forward One, Back One, Send to Back, to Foreground and to Background.

19. What is the use/function of Anchoring tool?

Ans: Anchoring tool acts as a reference point for image or drawing. It allows an image to retain its position to a page, paragraph, character or frame.

20. What does Text Wrapping tool do ?

Ans: Text Wrapping tool allows the placement of image in relation to text.

21. How many choices/options are available under Text wrapping tool in Drawing Object Properties toolbar ? What are these ?

Ans: There are six choices/ options under Text wrapping tool. These are

i. Wrap off,

ii. Page Wrap,

iii. Optimal Page Wrap,

iv. Wrap left,

v. Wrap right,

vi. Wrap through.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the faint impression of an image or text called ?

The faint impression of an image or text is called a watermark.

Why do we group images?

We group images to make them a single object so that we can move, resize, rotate, and flip them at the same time.

How is linking of an image different from embedding (Class 10th) ?

Linking an image refers to saving the link of an image in a document, whereas embedding an image means saving a copy of the image inside the document.

Which tool cuts off a non-desirable part of an image?

The Crop tool.

How is resizing of image different from embedding class 10th ?

Resizing is the process of reducing or increasing the size of an image whereas cropping is the process to cut off or removing undesirable part of the image.

How many methods are there to insert an image from file class 10 ?

There are 4 methods to insert an image from file.

What are the ways to insert an image in your document class 10 ?

The different ways to insert an image in a document in LibreOffice Writer are –
i. Using Insert Image dialog
ii. Using Drag and Drop option
iii. Using Cut, Copy and Paste option
iv. By linking.

What are the three methods of inserting an image ?

The three methods of inserting an image are 1. using Insert Image Dialog box 2. Using Drag and Drop option and 3. Using cut, copy and paste option.

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