81. Abacus was the first
- mechanical computer
- electronic calculator
- mechanical calculator
- electronic computer
mechanical calculator
82. The stepped Reckoner was invented by
- John Napier
- William Oughtred
- Gottfried Leibnitz
- Blaise Pascal
Gottfried Leibnitz
83. Punched cards were first invented by
- Blaise Pascal
- Herman Hollerith
- William Oughtred
- John Napier
Herman Hollerith
84. Each set of Napier’s Bones consisted of ____________rods
- 5
- 8
- 11
- 9
85. In which generation of computers Operating system was developed ?
- First
- Second
- Third
- Fourth
86. In which generation of computers CD-ROM was first used ?
- Second
- Third
- Fourth
- Fifth
87. The size of computer was very large in ____________ computers
- First generation
- Second generation
- Third generation
- Fourth generation
First generation
88. The processing speed of first generation of computers was ________
- Milliseconds
- Microseconds
- Nanoseconds
- Picoseconds
89. Who invented the automated Loom ?
- William Oughtred
- John Napier
- Joseph Jacquard
- Herman Hollerith
Joseph Jacquard
90. Which of the following is first generation of computer ?
- IBM 1401
- CDC 1604

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